Fominov Consulting Announces New Partnership With InfoWatch


Nowadays living without access to the information of interest at any time, any place through countless types of devices has become unimaginable. However, its security has become more important than information access itself. At this point, a breach in security can cause huge and potentially harmful problems.

Cyber criminals, hackers, and identity thieves present real and dangerous threats to any online system. Your IT solution should always have adequate firewalls, antivirus software, virtual private networks, and intrusion prevention.

Fominov Consulting has developed and established partnership with new vendor, who has been active in the information security business for more than 14 years and has evolved into a group of companies that protect enterprises against various information security threats – InfoWatch Group. The significance of this collaboration is quite obvious. InfoWatch not only supplies customers with industry-leading data protection solutions, but also provides them with high quality integration services, including information system audit, consulting, pre-project inspection, implementation and maintenance support.

In its turn, Fominov Consulting company ensures to reap the full benefits of this partnership and do its best to improve partner level with InfoWatch.