Fominov Consulting has successfully reconfirmed its IBM Silver Partner status for 2018 year.
Fominov Consulting has successfully reconfirmed its IBM Silver Partner status for 2018 year. It has already been many years that Fominov Consulting collaborates with IBM and this reauthorization confirms continuous contribution to vendor and customers’ business.
Significant efforts of entire team quickly boosted sales volume on local market which permanently continues to grow. In consideration of above mentioned results, our highly-skilled professionals have received certification from IBM.
This achievement encourages us to invest in our partnership even more in order to maintain vendor competencies. Further, our objective is to provide a strategy for building longer-term competencies that can serve both Fominov Consulting and IBM into the future. As a team, we’re always willing to meet and exceed customers’ expectations, in other words, customer service is at the top of our priority.
We are proud to announce that our collaboration with global IT market leader brought us a lot more opportunities to work together and broaden our spheres of cooperation.
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