Highly Available Infrastructure for Integration Bus and BPM – SW Supply & Solution Deployment
Primary Contractor

Project Scope
Every enterprise needs an Integration Bus for connecting its system together. The Business Process Management is another prerequisite for successful and effective business operations. These two components were the key project requirements. Besides the system and business data workflow there were another challenge to engage the cloud solutions to the Enterprise ecosystem.
Goals and Benefits
Looking at different options Bank finally decided to choose IBM WebSphere Integration Bus, IBM WebSphere MQ, IBM BPM Serve, IBM Blueworks and IBM Bluemix in a solid stack solution. Building a platform of these applications on the IBM AIX operating system ensured absolute security and explicit availability. Since platform is up and running, Bank instantly boosted own digital transformation strategy and unlocked hundreds of technology approaches towards rapid effectiveness improvement.
Hardware products used
Existing hardware infrastructure used
Software products used
IBM Business Process Manager Server, IBM Integration Bus, IBM Integration Bus MQ, IBM Cloud Application Performance Management, IBM Blueworks, IBM Bluemix Platform
Dec 2017 – Feb 2018