New Network Security In AFB Bank
Primary Contractor

Project Scope
Cybercrime (or cyber-attack) is a concern today all around the world. The banking and financial services industry, in particular, has become the target of the major cyber-attacks, especially the ransomware attacks. They are extremely attractive targets. This is why they must invest in technical cyber defense. And also they need to develop broader strategies to engage with other banks, their clients and recipients of their investment and the general public. All the above gave AFB Bank reason to reconsider its security system
Goals and Benefits
We needed security system that could protect the company against cyber threats with security processor powered high performance, security efficacy and deep visibility.
Fortinet – world leader in cybersecurity – presents the security system totally capable to provide all requested qualities. What are advantages of implemented security system? First of all, it’s a high threat protection performance with automated visibility to stop attacks hiding in encrypted traffic. The FortiGate 500E series delivers next generation firewall capabilities for mid-sized to large enterprises, with the flexibility to be deployed at the campus or enterprise branch. It Identifies thousands of applications inside network traffic for deep inspection and granular policy enforcement and protects against malware, exploits, and malicious websites in both encrypted and non-encrypted traffic It also prevents and detects against known and unknown attacks using continuous threat intelligence from AI powered FortiGuard Labs security services.
After implementing Forti Gate for inner network premier security, Bank could achieve highest level of threat prevention with no performance impact to the network. This was achieved using latest Fortinet SPU SP9 ASIC and enabled new generation firewall with over 30Gbit line performance.
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Hardware products used
Fortinet Fortigate 501E Next Generation Firewalls Cluster
Hardware supply in January 2019