Corporate Policies

Quality Management System

The Quality Management Policy is a document stating the Quality Objectives of an organisation. It should be formulated by Top Management with the support of Quality experts. The duties of all internal functions or departments to ensure that quality is met.

The Quality Management System of “Fominov Consulting” Limited Liability Company is based on the principles of quality management described in the international standard ISO 9000:2015 “Quality management systems – Basic provisions and vocabulary”. These are the following:
– customer orientation;
– leadership;
– involvement of people;
– process approach;
– improvement;
– making decisions based on facts;
– relationship management.

Please, find all the additional information in the attached file.


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Code of Conduct and Business Ethics

«Fominov Consulting» LLC has a long-standing commitment to high ethical standards and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that govern our businesses. Preserving these standards has never been more important than in today’s competitive and rapidly changing business environment. As an employee of «Fominov Consulting», you are expected to behave ethically and comply with the policies and laws that apply to your job.

The standards described in the «Fominov Consulting» Code of Business Conduct and Ethics reflect our continued commitment to ethical business practices and compliance with the law. The Code applies to everyone from senior executives to entry-level employees. No one who works for «Fominov Consulting» is exempt from the Code, and no one in any level of authority has the right to ask you to violate the Code.

You can look to the Code to guide your decisions in a variety of circumstances. However, the Code is not intended to cover every issue or situation you may face as an «Fominov Consulting» employee. You should use the Code, in conjunction with your company policies, handbooks and manuals, to guide and inform your conduct.

If you believe in good faith that an ethical or legal violation has occurred, you are required to report it to your supervisor or any of the resources listed in the Code. Our policies forbid any form of retaliation against you for fulfilling this obligation.

«Fominov Consulting»’s success depends on your continued commitment to conducting yourself in an ethical and legally compliant manner.

Thank you for your efforts in meeting our business objectives with uncompromising integrity. ­



Yuriy Fominov

CEO, Founder


Code of Conduct and Business Ethics

Sustainability, Company Policy Statement

Fominov Consulting LLC is committed to promoting sustainability. Concern for the environment and promoting a broader sustainability agenda are integral to Fominov Consulting’s professional activities and the management of the organization. We aim to follow and to promote good sustainability practice, to reduce the environmental impacts of all our activities and to help our clients to do the same.


Sustainability, Company Policy Statement